(birthdayfeed icon) birthdayfeed

Subscribe to birthdays in a feed reader or calendar


The easiest way to get started using birthdayfeed is to create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets with the birthdays you want to be reminded of.

The spreadsheet must be formatted in this way:

1Harry Potter1980731
2Tom Riddle19261231

Column A is a name, Column B is the year of the birthday, Column C is the month, and Column D is the day. See an example spreadsheet.

If you know someone's birthday, but not the year they were born, use "0" for the year, and you will be notified, but not told how old that person will turn on their upcoming birthday.

Once you have the data in a Google Sheet, you will need to publish it as a CSV file. You do this by following these steps:

  1. From the File menu, choose Share → Publish to web
  2. Change Web page to Comma-separated values (.csv)
  3. Click the Publish button
  4. Copy the link. You will get something like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQc1i9t7XDc9hIzBD5IokfDJazJo7HUNGMSpmG4hScXZAPoBKX7hbaL_-Id29sk6y9uEZTBK-HI8GqU/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv

Come back to this page and paste the link to the CSV file into the data location: field at the top of the page. Subscribe to the URL that is presented to you.

In a feed reader, a birthday will appear in the feed seven days before it is to be celebrated, which should be enough time to prepare a card or gift for the acquaintance.

In a calendar, there will only be an event for the acquaintance's next birthday from the current day.


Data Location

You don't have to use Google Sheets to store your data. You can put a CSV file anywhere on the Internet. birthdayfeed does not cache the data location or the data itself.

Leap Day

Some people are born on February 29, but there is not a February 29 in every year. In years without such a day, the birthday will be assigned to March 1. To remove ambiguity, birthdayfeed mentions the original date of birth as well as the next birthday.